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Faith Is Love

Writer's picture: Michael UzorMichael Uzor

C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman came from similar backgrounds in that they were both intellectuals, geniuses, very intelligent, and of course, atheists. However, there's a slight difference in their upbringing in that C.S. Lewis was a Christian and she was an atheist. Although from a Jewish background, Joy Davidman made her way to the UK, and C.S. Lewis is enthralled by this woman's analytical ability, her strength of mind, and he marries her for her to stay in the UK. However, not too long after Joy Davidman becomes a Christian herself sadly, cancer develops in her body and she goes into remission and enjoys the life that she was meant to have with C.S. Lewis. But only a few years later, she dies and C.S. Lewis begins to question many things, especially his faith in God. He imagines how could a loving God make him go through this much grief. Why was suffering so prevalent in the world we live in today? But he comes to a wonderful conclusion. He characterizes God as somebody who is loving because he allowed him to experience love, true love at the hands of a woman who he called his great friend and a woman who he dearly loved, Joy Davidman.

C.S Lewis & Joy Davidman
C.S Lewis & Joy Davidman

I am Michael Uzor and this is Young People Please Calm Down. The topic that we are focusing on today is faith is love. We usually go for historical, contemporary, biblical, and personal examples and as I started off with the historical example, contemporary-wise in the world today, there is a lot of talk about love, what love is, that we should love everybody, love each other, accept everybody. But for some reason, that seems to be the absence of loving God, the God of the Bible. Many of us do not know what true love is.

We grew up in homes where it was dysfunctional. There wasn't really much love between siblings or parents or even extended family. So we grew up with this sense that love is pretty much anybody who could accept us and we join ourselves to any group that accepts us.

We develop these strange beliefs, these strange ideas and notions of how we should live our lives because of this lack of love growing up. Even with those who have experienced love, there is always a subtle missing link in our spirits, in our bodies, that we know that something is missing, there's something more, there's an acceptance that they cannot find in anybody, whether it's in marriage or whether it's in friendships or whether it's even in whatever is their career. In Galatians chapter 5 verse 6, it says faith worketh by love.

And that love, I always used to question because how does faith work by love if faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen? If faith is simply belief, how then is love working in faith? In James, chapter 2 verse 20 also says that faith without works is dead. So if faith without works is dead and faith worketh by love, that means that faith without love is dead. And then in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13, the chapter about the way of love, it says that the main three are faith, hope, and love.

But the most important one is love. What is love then? Note in the Bible in:

Matthew chapter 22 verse 36 to verse 40, says, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus saith unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So the Pharisees come and shake and tempt Jesus, thinking they could allow him to make a mistake. But Jesus answers as smartly and as wisely as he always did. And he said in the most amazing fashion that all the law in the Old Testament is focused on this one word, love. You know, it's very easy to have faith, but without love, it becomes judgment, it becomes religion, it becomes tiring, worrying, and it becomes something that is so far removed from God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, but faith that is not energized by the love of God or by loving God or loving him with all our heart, mind, soul, total being, spirit, soul, and body. Without that, that faith doesn't have any substance. In order for us to truly love, we must be able to have a love for God because it is God which in our Bible says that he loved us first and that is why we love him.

Faith is so amazing as has been seen in my life where the Bible says that the just shall live by faith and I love that verse because it is very true in the world that we live in today. In order for us to go through this world that is filled with so much anxieties, we must be able to live by faith and know the faith that the Bible speaks of the faith in the word of God in the Holy Spirit's leading and this leading can lead us into great places, pastures, it says it leads us beside the still waters and this leading has really helped me tremendously immensely in my life because it has been able to give me guidance and counseling and understanding wisdom in so many areas in my life that I did not have before and that is really in the word of God because in order for us to have faith, we must believe in God and in his word and the son that he sent which is our Lord Jesus Christ and we must love him too and this love comes through us understanding what he did for us on the cross, you know in first Peter it says grace and peace multiplied through you through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, that's what Peter says and it is very telling that in order for us to know what love is, we need to really grow in our knowledge of who God is and what Jesus did on the cross for us. It allows us to have that gratitude for him and that gratitude is indescribable, it allows us to want to go out there and tell people about Jesus, like Jesus told the man who was delivered of demons in the gatherings in Mark chapter 5 that he should go around telling people about what he had done for him.

So this faith is love, it's very interesting because it allows us to keep our focus on God, it allows me also to keep our focus on Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith that even during trials, even during anything that is not supposed to be going a certain way like suffering, for example in the case of C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman, how she died at the height of him experiencing his great love for her in his marriage to her but at the end he realized that God is so faithful that he's able to allow us as human beings experience great love and that great love is through Jesus Christ and I really want everyone who is watching this to experience this great love and to experience the great grace that our Lord Jesus brings and I know that you want to too. So if you want to experience this great love, could you please say this prayer with me and I'll slow it down for you. It is the last prayer where it says, please say this with me.

Lord Jesus, I come to you as a sinner and I humbly repent of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose up on the third day. I believe that Jesus is King, he is God, the one and only God.

Now I ask that Lord Jesus wash my sins with his precious precious blood. Lord Jesus come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour so I may be able to be a part of your family, your body, the church. So you can say this again and again and repeat it, you can go back and the more you see it, faith begins to well up within you and the angels are rejoicing in heaven.

This is Young People, Please Calm Down. I am Michael Uzor. I hope you are thoroughly blessed by this article.

I really am enjoying the fact that we keep on going with these videos and I'm really really appreciating all the feedback, and the engagement with these videos from all the platforms that I posted on. So thank you so much and like, comment, let me know what you think. I'm always always happy to hear what people are saying about these podcasts and let me know how it blessed you as well.

Feel free to message me as well about anything. I'm open to any type of discussion. Have a lovely day.

Thank you for watching the video and I'll see you on the next one.

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