When it feels like time is going, and everything seems to be going fast, everything around us, everyone around us is growing, and not only that, they seem to just be getting better, and better. We feel as if we are in the same spot. I like to call this growing pains or I'm not growing enough. It's been a year since I started Young People Please Camp Down. I really wanted to just talk to you guys personally because I'm very excited that a year has gone by and as you can imagine, as a year has gone by, there must be some fruits of growth, right? It's very hard to know when we are growing, we can't even see it. We look to our left, look to our right, even the people around us might not even see our visible growth but I'm here to tell you that you are growing.
So I just finished a nice cycling session and I just want to be personal to you and for you guys to enjoy the nice views behind me, very beautiful views.
I love coming here. So this is Young People Please Calm Down and you know in this article, what we do is we go through historical, contemporary, biblical and personal examples to perfectly dissect the topic of I'm not growing enough.
Ernest Shackleton, historically, was a well-known explorer, and he was known around the world after his great voyage that he did through Antarctica. He was actually deciding that he was going to be the first person to cross the Antarctica continent with a group of people but of course like with everything, there's going to be some bits of trial, some bit of struggle but his struggle was on another level. So what happened was the frost, and the ice was too much for the ship, and of course they had to leave the ship and you can imagine as they had to leave the ship, they had to stay on a bit of ice just for some place to sleep you know, and that ice thinned, so they had to find proper land, and before you know it they started to lose resources, frostbite, people losing their minds.
The only problem was that when they decided to make this decision to go for this voyage, they didn't know how much trouble was going to come and in fact they were on this voyage for so long that Ernest Shackleton had to be the leader in that moment and bring peace to the people who was on this voyage with him. He travelled far on ships with a few of his men and then he managed to come back and save his men but this whole voyage that was only supposed to take not that long, a few months, decided to take longer than about a year to about two years and as a result he managed to save everybody so Ernest Shackleton did that in two years and there's a very interesting quote that he said when he was describing his exploring journey and when he was crossing the Antarctica continent. He said that when they were trudging 38 miles through the snow that he felt as if there was another person with him.
Contemporary-wise, you see that in the world nowadays with social media, we all want to get ahead, we all want to create the best videos, the best content, the best ideas so that we can really be out there and be getting tons of followers, views, likes, comments and growth is pretty much based on what we can do now, how quickly we can get some results. The whole part of suffering trials, the whole part of let's wait and see how everything unfolds is thrown away and instant gratification is what is running our young people nowadays.
Biblically, the Bible talks about the whole stage of life and how one lives and the suffering that we go through and Psalm chapter 107 verse 25 to verse 27 it says, "For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end." As you can see the Bible talking about how in life we go through suffering we go through trials you know and this doesn't just take two days it can take years, for a long time, but it said that when we call on the Lord for help in our trouble he removes our distresses he brings us out of it that's how we glorify him. My favorite verse in the Bible is Proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 where it says: "seest thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before mean men." What does that mean? It means that one who's consistent, who's diligent, hard-working, constantly learning, will be taken from a low position to a high position and kings will call him to work for them and that's the beauty of this world that we live in in that there is growth we're constantly growing and we must apply that effort to grow as Ernest Shackleton did.
As the world is really pushing this idea of instant gratification, get things right now, social media, and we all struggle with this because the age that we're in, the age of technology, is the age of speed but that growth is there if you just wait. Personally to myself I know that when I started Young People Please Calm Down, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and it was a very distressing time last year July for me, and nothing was really working for me, and the Holy Spirit when I was really in my distressed mood, and I was just feeling down, he said: "you spend a lot of time thinking about yourself. Why don't you encourage other people because that's where the joy of a believer is." And this was in my heart for a long time to do this articles but it was until the Holy Spirit said that to me, gave me that word I was able to start doing this, and it's done really well, it's grown so well, and I have to add a story.
At my workplace that I am in and we have compost areas and compost is just literally thrown away recycled materials that can be recycled like not like plastics like natural materials that can be broken down after a while and it can be then used for growing nature so we were clearing out the compost after a year and I was just saying to myself that you know if you think about it if it takes a year for something this big to become like granules like grains of dirt how much more our lives after a year and that's so true. Through Young People Please Calm Down, I have been invited to speaking engagements, I've discipled some people, we've went out, had some food together, we talked about Jesus, and this is just all through this idea. I've inspired different people, people came to me to understand how they can do their own articles, I've been brought to speak about how to do media engagement, and this was all through starting YPPCD, and this all happened in one year. I didn't worry about the views, didn't worry about the accolades, I did this because I wanted to encourage you people—you guys—who are watching this video, and to tell you that don't be like me where I wasn't calm. I want you guys to calm down!
This is Young People Please Calm Down and the main aim of this podcast is to encourage you guys to know more about Jesus as he is the creator, he's the son of God who died on the cross, and rose up on the third day for our sins, and if you want to know him more please say this prayer with me, it's the Lord's Prayer it says:
Jesus, I come to you as a sinner, and I humbly repent for my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, and I believe that he died on the cross for my sins, and rose up on the third day, and I humbly ask that you come into my life, and be my personal Lord, and Saviour. So that I may become part of your family the church.
So you can replay that, and say it again, and again until faith boils up inside of you and the angels begin to rejoice as the new person in our beautiful family the bride of Jesus. I hope you enjoyed this article, one year anniversary, we should hold a whole party maybe I should plan one. Enjoy this video, like, comment, let me know what you think, and thank you so much. I'll see you on the next one!